    <img src="/?q=/system/files/fluendo.JPG" /><br /> We were toasting the achievements of the first four years of Fluendo. Notably, that Gstreamer has become the opensource reference technlogy for GNU/Linux and the like &#8212; confirmed by recent agreements with mainstream distributions like <a href="http://www.ubuntu.com">Ubuntu</a> (Canonical) and <a href="http://www.mandriva.com">Mandriva</a>, che which will distribute also includeranno some Fluendo's plug-ins, such as MP3 and Windows Media.
    Barcellona, hit by an unusual chilling north wind, was nicer than ever, in a clear light and air. Sadly, most of the time I have been secluded indoors discussing licensing for other interesting products. Among those <a href="http://elisa.fluendo.com/">Elisa</a> mediacenter, a multimedia center based on Gstreamer and Python which aims at closing the gap between our beloved operating system and the home entertainment. I eyewitnessed the last version on a Mac Mini running Ubuntu. I have to say it was hard to believe it was not Mac OSX, for how rich and polished Elisa looked like and how flawlessly worked with a remote control.<br /> Credit goes to this gentleman <img style="float:right;clear:left" src="?q=/system/files/fluendo2.JPG" />.
    Quite interesting times for us who have been following Free Software evolution since when it was an ideologic utopy. Now, despite virtually no advertisement and commonsense belief that only proprietary software can be within reach of the Average Joe user, a lot of people currently use Free Software without even knowing it.